On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:19:30AM -0600, Jim Walker wrote:
> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> >I think that it makes sense to at least *try* to move zebrasrv out of 
> >/usr/bin.  /usr/lib seems the right place for it.
> Since zebrasrv has good command definition and /usr/bin is the
> familiar location (ie. I'm not seeing /usr/lib being used anywhere
> else). I think /usr/bin is the best place for now.

You're not seeing /usr/lib being used anywhere else because putting
daemons there is a Solaris-ism.  I.e., that's not a good excuse.

OTOH, not wanting to bother is a good excuse given that the ARC seems to
be OK with that in this case :)

Is it the case, perhaps, that moving such things around is difficult for
tools like Jucr and roboporter?  If so, then that would be a bug in
those tools.

But perhaps we need to give up on some of these Solaris-isms.  I
personally don't care for putting so much stuff in /usr/sbin -- most
things in /usr/sbin wouldn't cause any problems if they were in /usr/bin
instead (and some belong in /usr/lib, since they are daemons).  I mean,
ping(1M), in /usr/sbin ?!  That's just silly, plus we now have fping(1M)
in /usr/bin, so we're becoming less and less consistent.

Right now we're letting these Solaris-isms rot.  That strikes me as not
a good idea.


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