Andre Molyneux wrote:
> Jim Walker wrote:
>> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>>> I think that it makes sense to at least *try* to move zebrasrv out of
>>> /usr/bin.  /usr/lib seems the right place for it.
>> Since zebrasrv has good command definition and /usr/bin is the
>> familiar location (ie. I'm not seeing /usr/lib being used anywhere
>> else). I think /usr/bin is the best place for now.
> Some consensus here would be helpful.  I've moved zebrasrv to /usr/lib
> in my latest webrev, but can easily put it back.

/usr/lib is the right spot for daemons on Solaris that are not intended
to be invoked directly by users of any sort.  /usr/sbin would be right
if it were intended to be invoked directly by an administrator from the
command line.  /usr/bin is for things invoked by "ordinary users."

We use /usr/lib the way some other systems use /usr/libexec.  (In case
you're looking for precedent or "familiarity.")

I think you're getting fairly clear advice on that.  The only real
problem is that it's not very strong advice.  In other words, not many
care too much.

>  How does it get
> decided if PSARC as a whole has a preference?

PSARC is inanimate.  It doesn't have preferences.  The members do, and
you can ask them what they prefer.  If you want to be formal about it,
ask to have the case derailed so that the PSARC members can go on record
with an explicit vote (rather than just letting the case time out, as
fast-tracks are supposed to do).

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at>

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