Joerg Schilling wrote:
> "Garrett D'Amore" <gdamore at Sun.COM> wrote:
>> Okay, corrected I stand.  Although I *suspect* this problem could be 
>> corrected too.  The library is coming in via the libc, not via the 
>> application pulling it in directly.  (So if the relevant 4lib libraries 
>> were compiled to use normal libc, or got the important bits of libucb 
>> linked in directly, then wouldn't that resolve the main concern here?)
> You then break at least stdio and readdir() that uses different physical 
> structure layout.

No, they still use the 4lib version of libc.  Today the dependency tree 
looks like

    "app"  --> 4lib/libc -+-> ucblib/libucb -->lib/libc
                          |               ^

What I'm proposing is that the ucblib/libucb component could be 
collapsed into 4lib/libc.  So that you'd just have:

    "app" --> 4lib/libc --> lib/libc

This would allow true 4.x a.out binaries to just keep working, while 
removing the external ucblib/ components.   (The way to achieve this 
would just to be to statically link libucb into 4lib/libc.)

It's quite possible that this is all just a vain effort to tilt at 
windmills, but I at least wanted to have the *discussion*.  This seemed 
like a rare opportunity to have such a discussion.  If we deliver with these components, then its likely that another 
opportunity to discuss it might not come along for a *long* time.

If the end result is a denial of this case, I won't be seeking an 
appeal, but at least we'll have recent case history stating *why* we 
have to keep these bits around ~forever more.

    -- Garrett

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