Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:11:28 -0700
    From: John Fischer <John.Fischer at>
    Subject: Re: 2009/579 [Python lxml]

    This will be delivered through the SFW consolidation.  The Install team
    is unsure which consolidation they will end up in.  ON makes the most
    sense.  With that all said, the Install team is the team delivering this
    into the SFW consolidation.

    Perhaps when the Install team uses the interface there should be a
    contract established.  Would that be acceptable?

I was hoping that the Python lxml library has had a history of
evolving without incompatible changes, so that Committed would be a
reasonable choice of stability in practice.  (E.g., are the APIs
really likely to change incompatibly?  If they have a moderately large
user base, that would seem to be an unlikely event.)

(I'm also not sure what it means to have an Uncommitted library
delivering implementations of Volatile APIs.  In the interface table
below, does Uncommitted refer merely to the package name and library
location or does it apply to the library's contents as well?)

But if all parties accept these stability levels with their eyes open,
I won't stand in the way.

So +1, but I still hope to see the proposal modified to bump the
stability levels.

                -- Glenn

    Glenn Skinner wrote:
    >     Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 11:59:03 -0700
    >     From: John Fischer <John.Fischer at>
    >     Subject: Re: Python lxml [PSARC/2009/579 FastTrack timeout 10/30/2009]
    >     To: PSARC-ext at
    >     Anyone care to +1 this fast track?
    > Thanks for the prod.
    >     ...
    >     >>       The project will initially ship with Python 2.4 bindings as
    >     >>       well as Python 2.6 bindings.  Once the install code is
    >     >>       ported to Python 2.6 then install will rely upon the Python
    >     >>       2.6 bindings.  The port of install to Python 2.6 is
    >     >>       underway.
    >     >>
    >     >> 2.1 Exported Interface table
    >     >>     Interface                Classification    Comments
    >     >>     ----------------------------------- --------------- 
    >     >>     SUNWpython-lxml                     Uncommitted     SVr4 pkg 
    >     >>                                                         Python 2.4 
    >     >>     SUNWpython26-lxml                   Uncommitted     SVr4 pkg 
    >     >>                                                         Python 2.6 
    >     >>     python2.[46]/vendor-packages/lxml   Uncommitted     Python 
    >     >>                                                         install 
    >     >>                                                         location
    >     >>     ElementTree API                     Volatile        [4]
    >     >>     lxml.etree API                      Volatile        [5]
    >     >>     lxml.objectify API                  Volatile        [6]
    >     >>
    >     >>     * Note: The Python 2.4 bindings are Obsolete Volatile to match 
    >     >>         Python 2.6 and 3.0 case (PSARC 2009/043)
    > Given that install intends to use this library (and thus its API), are
    > Uncommitted and Volatile suitable stability levels?
    > (In particular, will they deliver into the same consolidation?)

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