
Thanks for the +1.

I understand the desire for a higher classification.  I will monitor the
community and respond appropriately when I see the interface evolution
slowing down.  I noticed that there were several deprecated interfaces
between lxml 2.0 and lxml 2.1 as well as function name changes between
major versions.  Because of these facts I am not yet comfortable with
declaring a higher commitment level.  Again, I will monitor the
community for the group and the ARC.

You are correct that the Uncommitted interfaces refer to only the
package names and directory locations.

With that I am marking the case closed approved.



Glenn Skinner wrote:
>     Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:11:28 -0700
>     From: John Fischer <John.Fischer at>
>     Subject: Re: 2009/579 [Python lxml]
>     This will be delivered through the SFW consolidation.  The Install team
>     is unsure which consolidation they will end up in.  ON makes the most
>     sense.  With that all said, the Install team is the team delivering this
>     into the SFW consolidation.
>     Perhaps when the Install team uses the interface there should be a
>     contract established.  Would that be acceptable?
> I was hoping that the Python lxml library has had a history of
> evolving without incompatible changes, so that Committed would be a
> reasonable choice of stability in practice.  (E.g., are the APIs
> really likely to change incompatibly?  If they have a moderately large
> user base, that would seem to be an unlikely event.)
> (I'm also not sure what it means to have an Uncommitted library
> delivering implementations of Volatile APIs.  In the interface table
> below, does Uncommitted refer merely to the package name and library
> location or does it apply to the library's contents as well?)
> But if all parties accept these stability levels with their eyes open,
> I won't stand in the way.
> So +1, but I still hope to see the proposal modified to bump the
> stability levels.
>               -- Glenn
>     Glenn Skinner wrote:
>     >     Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 11:59:03 -0700
>     >     From: John Fischer <John.Fischer at>
>     >     Subject: Re: Python lxml [PSARC/2009/579 FastTrack timeout 
> 10/30/2009]
>     >     To: PSARC-ext at
>     > 
>     >     Anyone care to +1 this fast track?
>     > 
>     > Thanks for the prod.
>     > 
>     >     ...
>     >     >>     The project will initially ship with Python 2.4 bindings as
>     >     >>     well as Python 2.6 bindings.  Once the install code is
>     >     >>     ported to Python 2.6 then install will rely upon the Python
>     >     >>     2.6 bindings.  The port of install to Python 2.6 is
>     >     >>     underway.
>     >     >>
>     >     >> 2.1 Exported Interface table
>     >     >>     Interface                Classification    Comments
>     >     >>     ----------------------------------- --------------- 
> ---------------
>     >     >>     SUNWpython-lxml                     Uncommitted     SVr4 pkg 
> for
>     >     >>                                                         Python 
> 2.4 bits
>     >     >>     SUNWpython26-lxml                   Uncommitted     SVr4 pkg 
> for
>     >     >>                                                         Python 
> 2.6 bits
>     >     >>     python2.[46]/vendor-packages/lxml   Uncommitted     Python 
> binding 
>     >     >>                                                         install 
>     >     >>                                                         location
>     >     >>     ElementTree API                     Volatile        [4]
>     >     >>     lxml.etree API                      Volatile        [5]
>     >     >>     lxml.objectify API                  Volatile        [6]
>     >     >>
>     >     >>     * Note: The Python 2.4 bindings are Obsolete Volatile to 
> match the
>     >     >>         Python 2.6 and 3.0 case (PSARC 2009/043)
>     > 
>     > Given that install intends to use this library (and thus its API), are
>     > Uncommitted and Volatile suitable stability levels?
>     > 
>     > (In particular, will they deliver into the same consolidation?)

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