The compiler project team has promised in spoken and written word to
deliver Ada support with the next case. LSARC/2009/575 is this next
Should a project team allowed to promise a place in heaven, later
break their word and get away with this?

2009/11/5 Rainer Orth <ro at>:
> =?KOI8-R?B?z8zYx8Egy9LZ1sHOz9fTy8HR?= writes:
>> Ada language support was not addressed, too. This is the second time
>> the compiler project team is not implementing support.
> I think this (and Java support) could and should be separate cases.  Most
> likely, the community can help here.  Especially doing Ada is somewhat hard
> due to the bootstrap issue: you need a working Ada compiler (GNAT in
> particular) on all the build machines to properly build Ada.
>> How do I appeal a PSARC case?
> Good question: completely ignoring a considerable set of questions and
> objections doesn't seem right.
>        Rainer
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University

      ,   _                                    _   ,
     { \/`o;====-    Olga Kryzhanovska   -====;o`\/ }
.----'-/`-/     olga.kryzhanovska at   \-`\-'----.
 `'-..-| /     Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   \ |-..-'`
      /\/\                                     /\/\
      `--`                                      `--`

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