In the process of trying to make "sag" work properly with GNU graph, 
I've found some very unusual things that sag does, to try to hack a plot 
together using the limited features of "graph".  (For example, labelling 
of data items.)

The results are fairly specific to the Tek mode (really only displayable 
in Xterm), and also fairly ugly.  In fact, I had a very difficult time 
getting it to generate any useful graphs from my sar data at all.  
(Solaris legacy graph is really really crummy in this regard, but even 
GNU graph had some challenges trying to contort itself into the knots 
that sag was trying to tie.)

It would be possible to make this work much more elegantly using 
gnuplot, but would require more effort, and I'm not sure this is the 
best use of anyone's time.  (sag's user interface for setting up plots, 
etc. is about as badly mis-designed as anything I've run across.)

I'm of the opinion that "sag", which is only useful on Solaris, really 
just needs to be ditched.

The good news here is that there is a much better alternative available 
-- there is a Java product called "kSar" (which is apparently under a 
BSDish license).

This product, in addition to supporting multiple platforms, 
automatically graphs all sar content in a format that is quite 
accessible.  The tool defaults to an interactive UI, but it supports 
scripting and can generate several useful formats (PNG, JPG, PDF, HTML, 
even CSV for input into a spreadsheet).

Given all this, I'm inclined to EOF crummy old sag, and advocate 
replacing it with kSar.  While not command-line drop in compatible, I 
think this is a far far superior replacement to our rather limited old 
tool set.

Before I start a case to EOF sag, I'd like to know if anyone is really 
attached to crufty old "sag",  or knows of any other reasons to object 
to replacing "sag" with "kSAR"?


    - Garrett

The following text includes information about using kSar on the command 

You can use kSar on the command line only mode

    * Usage: -version: show kSar version number
    * -help: show this help
    * -input <arg>: argument must be either ssh://user at host:command or
      cmd://command or file://path/to/file or just /path/to/file
    * -graph <graph list>: space separated list of graph you want to be
    * -showCPUstacked: will make the CPU used graph as stacked
    * -showMEMstacked: will make the Memory graph as stacked (linux only)
    * -cpuFixedAxis: will graph CPU used with fixed axis from 0% to 100%
    * -showTrigger: will show trigger on graph (disabled by default)
    * -noEmptyDisk: will not export disk with no data
    * -tile: will tile window
    * -userPrefs: will use the userPrefs for outputing graphs (last
      export of this host)
    * -showOnlygraphName: will only print graph name available for that
      data (to be use for -graph)
    * -addHTML: will create an html page with PNG/JPG image
    * -outputPDF <pdf file> : output the pdf report to the pdf file
    * -outputPNG <base filename> : output the graphs to PNG file using
      argument as base filename
    * -outputJPG <base filename> : output the graphs to JPG file using
      argument as base filename
    * -outputCSV <CSV file> : output the CSV file
    * -width <size> : make JPG/PNG with specified width size (default: 800)
    * -height <size> : make JPG/PNG with specified height size (default:
    * -startdate <date> : will graph the range begining at that time
    * -enddate <date> : will graph the range until that date
    * -solarisPagesize <pagesize in B>: will set solaris pagesize
    * -wizard: open with unified login popup
    * -replaceShortcut <xml file> : replace all shortcut with those in
      the xml file

    * -addShortcut <xml file> : add shortcut from the xml file

    * -startup: open window marked for opening at startup

AixcpuSar       CPU
AixbufferSar    Buffer
AixRqueueSar    Run Queue
AixSqueueSar    Swap Queue
AixkernelSar    Kernel
AixttySar       TTY
AixmsgSar       Messages & semaphore
AixsyscalSar    Syscalls
AixcswchSar     Context switching
AixfileSar      File
AixslotSar      Slot
Diskname of sar + Aixxfer       disk0Aixxfer for xfer graph of disk0
Diskname of sar + Aixwait       disk5Aixwait for wait graph of disk5
MaccupSar       CPU
MacpgoutSar     Pageout
MacpginSar      Pageint
Diskname of sar + -t1   disk0-t1 of xfer graph of disk0
Interfacename of sar + -if1     eth0-if1 for xfer graph of eth0
Interfacename of sar + -if2     stf0-if2 for error graph of sft0
SolariscpuSar   CPU
SolarisRqueueSar        Run Queue
SolarisSqueueSar        Swap Queue
SolarisbufferSar        Buffer
SolarisswapingSar       Swapping
SolarissyscalSar        SysCall
SolarisfileSar  File
SolaristtySar   TTY
SolarismsgSar   Message and semaphore
SolarispagingSar2       Page in
SolarispagingSar1       Page out
SolarismemSar   Memory/swap
SolariskmasmlSar        Kernel small page
SolariskmalgSar         Kernel large page
SolariskmaovzSar        Kernel oversize page
Diskname of sar + Solarisxfer   eg.: fd0Solarisxfer for xfer graph of fd0
Diskname of sar + Solariswait   eg.: ohci1,ctSolariswait for wait graph 
of ohci1,ct
LinuxcpuSar     CPU
LinuxprocSar    Process
LinuxcswchSar   Context switching
LinuxintrSar    Interrupts
LinuxswapSar    Swap
LinuxioSar      IO
LinuxloadSar    Load Average
LinuxpageSar    Page
LinuxsockSar    Socket
LinuxkbmemSar   Kernel Memory
LinuxkbswpSar   Kernel Swap
LinuxkbmiscSar  Kernel Misc
LinuxpgpSar     Paging
LinuxnfsSar     NFS
LinuxnfsdSar    NFSD
Diskname of sar + -t1   dev8-0-t1 for xfer graph of dev8-0
Diskname of sar + -t2   dev9-t2 for wait graph of dev9
Interfacename of sar + -if1     eth0-if1 for xfer graph of eth0
Interfacename of sar + -if2     tun1-if2 for error graph of tun1

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