Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> Edward Shu wrote:
>>  I think there are two concepts to be clarified, VGA text console
>> and VESA text console.  VGA text console is the legacy way.
>> In this proposal, you may mean the VESA text console when
>> text console is mentioned, that emulates the text output with
>> the VESA graphics mode.  As VESA is a generic graphics
>> standard with few hardware specific acceleration,  the text
>> rendering speed will be much slower causing flicking screen.
>> I recommend to reserve some open interfaces for third-party to
>> fully accelerating the text rendering  under VESA text mode.
>>  Other comments in lines below.
> I agree with this.. specifically I can see that *scrolling* can be slow 
> if not accelerated.

  In 16-bit depth (which is automatically selected in favor of 24-bit) 
performance is very hard distinguish from VGA text mode. We've 
explicitly been

  However you're right, before we figured out to map the frame buffer 
cache combined, performance was unacceptable.

  Since then we've been asking folks specifically about scrolling 
performance during demos and have not received any more negative 
feedback. We'll try to get some bits available at least semi publicly so 
folks not in mpk can convince themselves of this as well.

>  I doubt just adding characters to the screen would be a problem, though.

  Correct. The only additional thing we sort of wish VESA had is blit.

> NetBSD's graphics console has a nice way of expressing bitblt support... 
> perhaps something similar can be used here.

  We do have some experimental interfaces, but that would be beyond the 
realm of VESA.


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