edward shu wrote:
> Jan Setje-Eilers:
>> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>>> Edward Shu wrote:
>>>>  I think there are two concepts to be clarified, VGA text console
>>>> and VESA text console.  VGA text console is the legacy way.
>>>> In this proposal, you may mean the VESA text console when
>>>> text console is mentioned, that emulates the text output with
>>>> the VESA graphics mode.  As VESA is a generic graphics
>>>> standard with few hardware specific acceleration,  the text
>>>> rendering speed will be much slower causing flicking screen.
>>>> I recommend to reserve some open interfaces for third-party to
>>>> fully accelerating the text rendering  under VESA text mode.
>>>>  Other comments in lines below.
>>> I agree with this.. specifically I can see that *scrolling* can be
>>> slow if not accelerated.
> So my concern is,  if we want to add the hardware accerlerated
> "scrolling" in the future for a specific
> chip,  we  can do it very straightly.   So as the "text font
> rendering", the "bitblt" and others.
As I said in the previous reply, I've added a specific callback function
that any driver can call to register bitblt, copy and alike operations.
This is as simple as calling a function and the module provided routines
will take precedence on standard, non-accelerated, VESA routines:

-- at http://push/builds/enrico/vesa-dev/vesa-gate/webrev/ there is a
quite recent webrev which lacks the work I'm doing to collapse consoled
and vbiosd into a single daemon)

  97 static struct gfxp_ops  fb_ops = {
  98         gfxp_bm_kdsetmode,      /* kdsetmode    */
  99         gfxp_bm_devinit,        /* devinit      */
 100         gfxp_bm_cons_copy,      /* conscopy     */
 101         gfxp_bm_cons_display,   /* consdisplay  */
 102         gfxp_bm_cons_cursor,    /* conscursor   */
 103         gfxp_bm_cons_clear,     /* consclear    */
 104         gfxp_bm_suspend,        /* suspend      */
 105         gfxp_bm_resume,         /* resume       */
 106         gfxp_bm_devmap          /* devmap       */
 107 };
 109 /*
 110  * Generic drawing functions.
 111  * These functions emulate in software the blit/copy of a
square/rectangle on
 112  * the screen. They are used by default and, right now, in the vast
majority (if
 113  * not the totality) of cases. If a graphic driver supports
hardware blitting
 114  * it can register a function callbacks via gfxp_bm_register_fbops().
 115  * NOTE that these functions are also used in polled I/O mode, and
are so
 116  * subject to its limitations.
 117  */
 118 static void gfxp_bm_generic_blt(struct gfxp_softc *softc,
 119     struct vis_consdisplay *);
 120 static void gfxp_bm_generic_copy(struct gfxp_softc *softc,
 121     struct vis_conscopy *);

(NOTE: the gfxp_bm_suspend/resume might go away. It depends if ever a
driver may need to get control back - after - calling into gfx_private
routines but before they return. Debatable. No driver currently consumes

Then the registering function looks like:

236 /*
 237  * Public functions to register and unregister driver routines with the
 238  * generic gfx driver. NOTE: FBCONS macro expects the vgatext_softc
 239  * pointer to be called 'softc'.
 240  */
 241 void
 242 gfxp_bm_register_fbops(gfxp_vgatext_softc_ptr_t ptr, struct
gfxp_blt_ops *fbops)
 243 {
 244         struct gfxp_softc *softc = (struct gfxp_softc *)ptr;
 245         FBCONS.fbops = fbops;
 246 }
 248 void
 249 gfxp_bm_unregister_fbops(gfxp_vgatext_softc_ptr_t ptr)
 250 {
 251         struct gfxp_softc *softc = (struct gfxp_softc *)ptr;
 252         FBCONS.fbops = NULL;
 253 }

And taking as an example the blit function:

438 static void
 439 gfxp_bm_cons_display(struct gfxp_softc *softc, struct
vis_consdisplay *da)
 440 {
 441         /* Sanitize input. */
 442         if (da->col < 0 || da->col >= FBCONS.xres ||
 443             da->row < 0 || da->row >= FBCONS.yres ||
 444             da->col + da->width > FBCONS.xres ||
 445             da->row + da->height > FBCONS.yres) {
 446                 return;
 447         }
 449         /*
 450          * If we are in "console mode", update the screen.
 451          * Use an hardware provided blt function, if possible,
 452          * fallback to gfxp_bm_generic_blt().
 453          */
 454         if (FBCONS.active == 1) {
 455                 if (FBCONS.fbops == NULL || FBCONS.fbops->blt ==
 456                     FBCONS.fbops->blt(da) != GFXP_SUCCESS)
 457                         gfxp_bm_generic_blt(softc, da);
 459                 /* Flush to memory. */
 460                 membar_producer();
 461         }
 462         /* Update the shadow buffer. */
 463         gfxp_bm_blt_updtshadow(softc, da);
 464 }

Where at 454 - 456 we call the driver function if present and fallback
to the standard method if -for any reason- it fails. We -always- need to
update the shadow buffer and that's done transparently to the driver.

Why it is not more stabilized? First and foremost: nowadays graphics
card memory and modern CPUs are fast. By touching the framebuffer memory
only on writing (keeping a shadow frame buffer) and by setting the
memory as write-combining, performances have been satisfactory so far.
We had a test with the Look'n'Feel guys where they felt okay about the
scrolling result (the rule of thumb they suggested was: "If the user
cannot read what's written on the screen during a scrolling, then it's
okay") and I'm more than happy to have more. I'm also happy to prepare
some archives so that you can try it yourself and very happy to code any
potential improvement.

Second of all we have 2-3 ways of doing the same thing inside the
Solaris kernel. Intel uses the DRM interface, while NVIDIA needs to call
a set of 'dedicated' interfaces (provided by gfx_private). This is,
besides the old atiatom.c code, as much of video graphic support as we
currently have on x86/x86_64. We don't have a well established DDI
interface for graphics, which would probably be the best direction to
head towards. But that is, in my opinion, out of the scope of this project.

Third, we still only have two drivers, one of which is closed source (so
we don't have direct access to it and, as per off-line discussion, is
not headed towards supporting console framebuffer accelerated routines).
We can see how the aforementioned interface plays out and, at the same
time, see in what direction we go (are we planning to have more
in-kernel graphic drivers? are we targeting laptops or not?) and plan
accordingly. All the framebuffer painting routines are reasonably
generic and used both in the early stages (e.g. KMDB) and after the
coherent console kicks in.

Note also that this project actually solves a bit of duplication
(probably a low hanging fruit, but still a couple hundreds of lines cut
off): the vgatext module (which was loaded independently of gfx_private)
is now a gfx_private consumer. While gfx_private does (always in my
opinion) a little more than what it might be supposed to (it both acts
as a pseudo-driver and actively draws on the screen), with the current
architecture it is not a bad compromise. Also, depending on how fast EFI
systems catch on we need the ability of generically draw on a bit mapped
space, because it might be the only option we are left with.

           -  Enrico


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