On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:38:25AM -0600, Tim Haley wrote:
> Temporary mountpoints are not inherited.  If a hierarchy of datasets are
> to be mounted at a temporary location, each dataset must be explicitly
> mounted.  So if these datasets exist:

The concern I have, and which I expressed off-list, but maybe is
sufficiently architetural to mention here, is this: if beadm were to
rely on this feature, then beadm would have to know to mount every
dataset that makes up the BE being mounted.  That seems like a lot to
ask of beadm, and if beadm does not implement that, then splitting of /
into separate datasets will be harder to pull off.

That said, clearly / should not be split along certain lines, such as
any that would break pkg hardlink actions.  What those lines are is not
this case; whether ZFS makes it harder to get allowable / splits to work

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