On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 04:06:31PM +0800, Kacheong Poon wrote:
> >Suppose the process is able to exit but the socket lingers.  In that
> >case will the lingering socket defeat resource controls?
> I guess your concern is that somehow the peer goes away at the
> *right* time and TCP stays in the FIN-WAIT-2 state for the
> extended period of time.  I further assume that you are using
> this as an example of a new attack.  And the goal is to create
> as many lingering tcp_ts in the system as possible.  For this
> attack to be successful, there must be a peer co-operating.  And

The peer need only accept connections though, right?

> [...]

> As I mentioned before, if folks are not comfortable with the
> value ranges, I can change that.  In this case, the max can be
> changed to a similar value I mentioned previously for
> TCP_ABORT_THRESHOLD, which is 2 hours.  Does this help?

It's not the ABORT threshold that I'm worried about, but the TCP_LINGER2
timer.  I recommend that the maximum for that be not more than some
smallish value such as 60s.

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