> Nevertheless, if there are _any_ scripts that use it, unless you get
> rid of all 29 (or however many) links to it, I don't see any incremental gain
> by removing some of them.

Am taking the conservative approach here by removing only those
commands which could not possibly return true.  It would be great to
be able to remove all processor truth value commands, but the risk
of breaking existing scripts is too high.

This is an attempt to get rid of as much clutter as possible without
breaking anything.  (And in the process, get tiny benefits like making
tab-completions of command names in bash more relevant, though that
is not the main intent of this case.)

And you are right.  There are more of these commands which are not
listed in the manpages and are also not relevant any more -- the
Motorola m68k series, for example.  Plan to add these to the case.
We might end up with just the following left behind -- sun, sparc,
i386, i486, i86pc -- and have all of these deleted (along with the
ones listed in the original 1pager):


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