I am sponsoring this fast-track for Anders Persson. Timeout is set for 08/06/2010.


Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         Deliver Socket Configuration in Fragments
    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Anders Persson
    1.3  Date of This Document:
        29 July, 2010
4. Technical Description
4.1.  Background

    The mappings from socket(3SOCKET) parameters to socket modules and
    TPI devices are kept in /etc/sock2path (PSARC/1995/045). When a new
    socket type is introduced, an entry needs to be added to that file.
    Prior to IPS, packages that delivered new socket types would modify
    /etc/sock2path via postinstall scripts. That is no longer possible.

4.2.  Proposal

    This proposal is to create a new directory, /etc/sock2path.d, into
    which packages can deliver socket configuration files. To ensure
    that configuration files have unique names, each file must match the
    name of the packages delivering the file. For example, system/kernel
    would deliver etc/sock2path.d/system%2Fkernel.

    soconfig(1M) will get a new option (-d) to parse all files in a
    given directory.

    /etc/sock2path will no longer be delivered, and the entries in that
    file will be put in the appropriate configuration files. Any local
    changes will be lost. However, the loss of local changes is not
    expected to cause any problems, since /etc/sock2path has already
    been replaced a number of times in the past year without any
    noticeable impact.

    A minor binding is requested.

4.3.  Interface Table


Interface name         | Classification | Comments
soconfig(1M) -d option | Committed      |
/etc/sock2path.d       | Committed      | Socket mapping directory


/etc/sock2path         | Committed      | Socket mapping file

4.4.  Man page changes


   -File Formats                                         sock2path(4)
   +File Formats                                         sock2path.d(4)

   -     sock2path - socket mapping file that maps sockets  to  tran-
   +     sock2path.d - socket mapping files that maps sockets  to  tran-
         sport providers

   -     /etc/sock2path
   +     /etc/sock2path.d

   -     The socket mapping file, /etc/sock2path, is  a  system  file
   -     that  contains the mappings between the socket(3SOCKET) call
   -     parameters and the transport provider driver. Its format  is
   -     described on the soconfig(1M) manual page.
   +     /etc/sock2path.d is a directory containing files with mappings
   +     between the socket(3SOCKET) call parameters and the transport
   +     provider driver.  The mapping file format  is described in the
   +     soconfig(1M) manual page.

         The init(1M) utility uses  the  soconfig  utility  with  the
   -     sock2path file during the boot sequence.
   +     sock2path.d directory during the boot sequence.

   -     Example 1 An Example of the sock2path File
   +     Example 1 An Example of a Mapping File

   +     The following is an example of a mapping file:
   -     The following is an example of a sock2path file:

           # Family    Type    Protocol    Module | Path
                2       2         0          tcp
                2       2         6          tcp


   @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
         soconfig - configure transport providers for use by sockets

   +     /sbin/soconfig -d dir
         /sbin/soconfig -f file

   -     /sbin/soconfig family type protocol [path]
   +     /sbin/soconfig family type protocol [module | path]

         The  soconfig  utility  configures  the  transport  provider
   @@ -16,26 +18,30 @@
         /dev/tcp. This utility can be used to add an additional map-
         ping or remove a previous mapping.

   -     The init(1M) utility uses  soconfig  with  the  sock2path(4)
   -     file during the booting sequence.
   +     The init(1M) utility uses  soconfig  with the sock2path.d(4)
   +     directory during the booting sequence.

         The following options are supported:

   +     -d dir     Set up the soconfig configuration for each driver
   +                according  to  the  information stored in the
   +                files in dir.
         -f file    Set up the soconfig configuration for each driver
   -                according  to  the  information stored in file. A
   -                soconfig file consists of lines of at  least  the
   -                first  three  fields  listed  below, separated by
   -                spaces:
   +                according  to  the  information stored in file.

   -                family  type  protocol  path
   +     A soconfig file consists of lines of at  least  the
   +     first  three  fields  listed  below, separated by spaces:

   -                These fields are described in the  OPERANDS  sec-
   -                tion below.
   +     family  type  protocol  [module | path]

   -                An example of file can be found in  the  EXAMPLES
   -                section below.
   +     These fields are described in the  OPERANDS  sec-
   +     tion below.

   +     An example of file can be found in  the  EXAMPLES
   +     section below.
         The following operands are supported:

   @@ -102,8 +109,8 @@
                 2       4       0          icmp

   -     /etc/sock2path    File containing mappings from  sockets  to
   -                       transport providers.
   +     /etc/sock2path.d  Directory containing files with mappings from
   +                       sockets  to transport providers.

         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
   @@ -116,11 +123,9 @@

   -     init(1M), sock2path(4), attributes(5)
   +     init(1M), sock2path.d(4), attributes(5)

6. Resources and Schedule
    6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
    6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
    6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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