
> > Okay, I know JDS hasn't been released as part of the OpenSolaris
> project. However, as a Solaris user, I obviously have the right to
> obtain certain parts of it because of the license they're under, such
> as Metacity, etc. Where can I get the source tarballs from? Or whom do
> I contact so I can get them?
> For the older GNOME 2.0, the packages told you where to get the source
> when you installed, but JDS doesn't.   I couldn't find them anywhere, so
> I asked the engineering team, who pointed me to:
> http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=8&PartDetailId=JDS3_SLRS10_SOURCE-G-F&TransactionId=try

And I'll be the first from the engineering team to say that does indeed
suck heavily - apologies. 

We're definitely going to be better at this in the future, especially as
we start creating a desktop community around JDS. I'm just cutting
through some amount of red tape at the moment, but hopefully we'll see
some desktop action on opensolaris.org *real soon*.

In the meantime, if you can comment on potential things that a desktop
community should be doing, please do - I have a few ideas myself, but
I'm just wondering if they're off base compared to the expectations that
people have.


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