On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Spencer Shepler wrote:

On Wed, Dragan Cvetkovic wrote:

OK, I have emailed you the link to snoop files. I have noticed quite a few
carrier_errors on the server

bash-3.00# kstat -n elxl0 | grep carrier
        carrier_errors                  842217

but how came it affects NFS but doesn't affect e.g. ftp?

I don't have an answer for you.  As mentioned, NFS does place
a heavier load on networking components and I have never seen
that induce carrier_errors but there is a correlation.

In the short snoop trace you provided to me offline, for the
788 unique NFS READ requests there were 121 retransmits.  15 percent
of the READs were retransmitted to the server and will result in
the type of throughput you are seeing.  The snoop shows gaps in
traffic (for the retransmits) as large as 60 seconds.

So, solve the carrier_errors and the situation will improve immensely.

Thanks Spencer, will talk to our network admin and will try to get a different NIC and see if that helps.

Bye, Dragan

Dragan Cvetkovic,

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