Keith M Wesolowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you talking about how binaries built from ON and other Solaris
> consolidations are delivered, or about a hypothetical community-led
> third-party application repository like portage, pkgsrc, and blastwave
> provide today?  Certainly unification in those latter areas would be
> very helpful for users of OpenSolaris distributions.

Blastwave unfortunatly currently is a binary "only" distribution.
I would be happy if we could have the knowledge from Blastwave 
archived inside a source package system. I would be happy if this could be
done with sps as sps is easy to adopt.

> The packaging structure for Solaris isn't going to change, though it
> might be possible to add support for one or more additional packaging
> methods that other distributions could use.  That seems like a tough
> sell, though - properly maintaining one set of packaging data is
> enough work already, and nothing stops a distribution from discarding
> usr/src/pkgdefs in favour of its own solution.

In case you would e.g. write a hypothetical rpm implementation on top
of the AT&T/Sun package database, this could work. If you just contemporatily
use unrelated package managers, you will get into trouble with overlaps.

> Making the svr4 packaging tools available in source form is a high
> priority; assuming it's possible - a likely proposition - is there any
> reason that standard can't continue to be used for distribution of
> binary packages and tracking of dependencies among them?  Some of the
> other formats you describe aren't packaging formats so much as build
> infrastructure - and if that build infrastructure could be used to
> produce svr4 packages, you would be able to take advantage of the
> packages installed on the system in your dependency calculations.

As it seems that zones depent on the package database, we would need
to have these tools or to modify zones administration.

> Really, it seems like there are multiple questions here; to name a
> few:
> - How do distributions package the OpenSolaris components?  How is
> this affected by the fact that Solaris is constrained to continue
> using the same package format?

SchilliX compiles the sources with sps and (today) packages them
in tar archives.


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