On Mon, 11 Jul 2005, Sunil wrote:

> you are illogical dude!! All I want to know if bash is present
> otherwise, does it matter if safe mode has another half a meg

The idea of safe mode is to present a fairly minimal environemnt,
with few bells and whistles.

> executable? is size the only concern? or illogical compatibility and
> safety restrictions apply here as well. work the damn incompatibilities
> if it means the world to so many developers and if it helps others to
> adopt Opensolaris quickly and easily.

Eh?  Most of the time, people will be using the OS in multiuser
mode, and bash, tcsh, zsh, and God knows how many other shells
will be available.

> opensolaris better learn from linux(or any OS for that matter) if it
> is to be adopted widely. the arrogance you show has brought many a
> down.

You misunderstand me.  I don't think it's apporpriate to condemn
Solaris because it's not like Linux.  If you want Linux, it's
over there -->.

When using a new system, one has to get used to differences.  If
this was the other way round, what would you say to me if I complained
that sh on Linux was broken because it didn't have true Bourne SHell
behaviour like it does on Solaris?  You'd probably say "Linux is not

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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