Max Bruning wrote:
I'm glad to hear there are plans to have an article link on
the front page.  (And even more happy to hear when
someone has read what I've written and liked it.  Thanks, Ben!).

I would like to know more about the review process.

Cool. Thanks.

I am planning
on more articles (in addition to what I am already working on),
and would like to be involved in reviews of other articles that are
being considered.

I should have some feedback on your kernel piece soon. Also, you already have feedback on the third driver article, so go ahead and let me know when that's ready and it will go out right away. In general, the purpose of review is only for highly technical articles and it's only a sanity check and quick fact check; it's not a gatekeeper function. It should only kill an article that is massively wrong or something. Reviews should work quickly in this model. I don't want it to become as rigid as a peer-reviewed journal or anything like that.


 > Ben Rockwood wrote:

Jim Grisanzio wrote:

I did a little blog pointing to the articles on

We'll eventually have to link to these from the front page. There are
few more articles written and in review (Solaris on laptops, a 3rd
driver article, a kernel comparison, and a piece on portability. We'll
release those as soon as they are done.

For those of you who are new to the community: we had some articles
written (some light technical, some community profiles, etc) during
the pilot program, and we'd like to continue that function if you are
interested. Are you? If so, what publishing model is best for this
community? Who are the writers out there? When I say that I mean are
you interested in contributing articles, and how would you like to be
recognized for that contribution? And if so, would you like to help
work on an editorial plan to get us going past what we already have? I
think we need to figure out a way to incent people to contribute (to
write/edit/review) things like how-tos, profiles, case studies,
opinion pieces, feature articles, news, etc. In terms of style, I'm
thinking that the more magazine-like the better to distinguish this
editorial from documentation.

We are working on a website editorial policy to sort of outline who
does what and where on the site generally. This "articles" section I'm
talking about is just one part of that, but we really began it back in
the pilot program. It'll all come together over time.


Question...  did Sun pay for those profiles?


If so, why?

We contracted with O'Reilly (two editors, in fact) during the pilot
program for the articles based on their work with other Sun open source
projects, most notably That contract has come to fruition, so
I'm looking for a new way to generate some content. "Why" specifically
is more difficult. The thinking back last year was to make the site more
of a magazine-style feel based on but customized for Solaris
and the OpenSolaris community. Offering that is one of Oreilly's
services. The original vision never really materialized, so what we have
is a series of articles to build from.

Reguarding the rest, I can write when time permits.  Plenty of us are
producing useful information, but "articles" in the traditional sense
conflict directly with technical blogging.  Many of our blog entries
could be slightly reformed and presto-change you've got an article.

I agree. But we need to lay out a 6 month or year long editorial plan to
pro-actively generate the content. We can also just re-work previous
blogs (the substantive ones) for articles, too. Good suggestion.

The Driver Programming articles by Max are awesome, I'd love to see more
of those.

He has two more in the works.

 Didn't Rich have some articles in the pipe too?

Rich did a dev piece for the Studio tools guys separate from what I've
been trying to do.


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