George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well on powerfull aspect of solaris command recall using the vi is the ability 
to search and exe

cute a command which is e.g. 20 in the history list with a simple "/", while in 
linux bash you have
 to hit the up arrow 20 times.

I think this makes the speed difference.
Setting up the command recall is a 30 seconds task, so not being onboard on solaris don't think

that makes it big of  an issue.

bsh did implement search functions for the command line using ESC ^p and ESC p
since 1984.

I've used tcsh with an ESC-ESC keybinding for searching for God knows how
many years.

Is "how many years a feature existed in some other commonly-used shell" relevant to George's note of the advantage of vi mode over emacs mode?

Is "how many years a feature existed in some personally-developed shell" even remotely relevant?
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