
> > Is this going to be a CDDL project?  If so, then make a proposal for
> > an OpenSolaris community containing its scope, goals, and initial
> > set of developers.  Then send it to this list with a new subject line
> > and the CAB can decide whether to allocate the resources.
> i don't know if this can be CDDL. KDE is GPL, im pretty sure GNOME is
> too. i don't think we can CDDL GPL code.

I don't think it necessarily has to be a separate project, per se - I
think it can be a regular feature in our discussions on the
desktop-discuss list [see recent mail]. As much as possible though, I
think we can contribute upstream, as there's a lot more value in that.

> i thought Glynn Foster mentioned that there would be community mailing
> lists available. if we have that, and it would be very hepful to have
> a SVN repository so we don't have to send each other patches as email
> attachments, i believe this is sufficient. also because we would like
> to give the main projects (GNOME, KDE, Mozilla, OOo, fd.o, etc) access
> to our source code changes so we can easily merge them back into 
> their trees. we do *not* want to give the slightest impression that we
> are trying to fork or split a new source tree. this is a Big Taboo and
> it leads to conflicts.

Yep, we have the first mailing list set up. The website isn't quite
there yet, and a SCMS is a little far off right now - see
http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=1189&tstart=0 for


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