On Mon, 18 Jul 2005, Sunil wrote:

is everyone happy with the way this forum/mailing list works? thank god I am not on the mailing list, otherwise I would be seeing so much of c**p (although, that way I won't be losing track of some the issues that I am interested in). And I feel sorry for people on the list because I have myself posted unnecessarily few times (I didn't know that it was sending an email to many people, I thought I was just posting on the forum. it struck me very late.).

Can we please have a separation of the two, so people who really wanna use the list don't have to go thru this torture of the forum?

Actually, the best interface would be the good old usenet. Granted, there is already usenet-like interface through gmane.org, but that one is read only. Can we please employ our newsreaders for opensolaris discussion groups? I would say that, although that might sound a bit strict, if usenet interface seem too technical for discussions, then most of OpenSolaris groups would be over your head anyway.

I am reading all this via email (have been doing so since the pilot days) and being welcomed with some 100+ emails every day (more than 70% to be removed immediately) is getting tiresome. I can put filters and move email automatically into various folders, and stuff like that, but my experience tells me that mail that is not read immediately upon receiving it, is never read...

It shouldn't be too hard to set an usenet server somewhere. And we can let google archive it automatically for later peruse :-)

My 0.02 units of currency.


Dragan Cvetkovic,

To be or not to be is true. G. Boole    No it isn't.  L. E. J. Brouwer
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