> Wouldn't it be even better to not have to make that
> judgment call? Now
> don't get me wrong, the stuff done by the likes of
> Blastwave and
> Sunfreeware were *hugely* important - I'd just like
> to see us acting as
> a combined community, working on porting the
> software, integrating the
> software and packaging the software into a single
> repository. I think
> that's the important point I take out of Alo's
> original proposal that
> I'd sure like to work on.

Yes, of course it would have been better!
We have clearly identified an area where there things could improve, but that's 
not the main problem.

The main problem is that people who converted are trying to push "what they're 
used to" from Linux, thereby reinventing hot water.

[I]There is no need to reinvent hot water.[/I]

I'm pretty certain that nobody here will believe me, but we keep coming back to 

SGI already has this whole mess not only sorted out, but PEGGED and NAILED. We 
should talk to them.
They've contributed a lot to Linux, they might be willing to contribute to 

> In a community like that, I'd value your contribution
> just as much as
> anyone else. Just seems like there are a lot of
> hurdles and compromises
> to get there.

And I'd be glad to contribute, that's not even a question in my mind.
But first we have to sort out all this confusion and quiet down the noise 
coming from the Linux-PC gallery. They just want a revolution, but what they 
don't realize is that revolution is not needed; [I]it's all there already[/I], 
and what some engineer spent months and years working on is just fine, and 
[I]does not need to be reinvented[/I]. Again. And again. And again.
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