On 7/25/05, Roy T. Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 25, 2005, at 9:52 AM, Keith M Wesolowski wrote:
> > What Alan was saying is that once a definitive list of differences
> > exists, it should be possible to implement a clean set of extensions
> > to ksh93 for backward compatibility; that implementation could then be
> > used by Solaris and included with OpenSolaris for other distributions
> > to use as well.
> No, we cannot work that way.  OpenSolaris has to lead Solaris in

Please, let's avoid the "we" word. I have no problem with working
whatever way is required. It doesn't matter to me if Solaris leads
OpenSolaris or the other way around. Your ideas are noble, but please
don't assume that everyone has to work the way you say they do.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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