Joerg Schilling wrote:
Let me note about another problem:

I did try to discuss important issues several times and have been ignored.

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

"Ignored" sounds so premeditated and malicious; more likely the lack of response
is the result of "everyone" being very busy with their own urgent tasks such 
"nobody" has the responsibility to track and monitor this kind of issue.

As a meeting facilitator, I've often found it useful to maintain a "parking lot"
of important topics that - because of the flow of discussion - would get lost or
ignored if they were not written down.  Maybe you could find a way to use the
BugTracker and/or the OpenSolaris web site/wiki to maintain such a list of 
Expecting others to track and remember everything mentioned in email threads 
as this one will always lead to frustration.


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