On Thu, 28 Jul 2005, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> On Jul 28, 2005, at 1:34 PM, Darren J Moffat wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 18:08, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> >> Alternatively, OpenSolaris could give development autonomy to the
> >> communities, wherein technical development, discussion of
> >> alternatives,
> >> getting it to work, and testing can all take place independent of
> >> any ARC review.  ARC review isn't needed until the community wishes
> >> to apply the completed work to a stable release branch, at which
> >> point the community product does need to adhere to the particular
> >> interface requirements for that branch. [They are, of course, aware
> >> of those requirements during the whole process, and thus will have
> >> designed and developed for a particular set of branches.]
> >
> > Which is exactly how things had been working in practise inside Sun.
> That's what I thought originally, but a lot of the posts I have seen
> are emphasizing the business decisions made by an ARC rather than
> the technical review.

Where do you see this?
I don't see it?
The ARC review process is fundamentally a technical review done by
engineers who have a technical "investment" in the process.


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134
OpenSolaris Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member - Apr 2005
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