John Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Roy> Right now, Sun has only exposed the "done" gate of OpenSolaris, which is
> Roy> equivalent to throwing code over the wall.  The reason I talk about that
> Roy> wall is because one of the primary goals of the governance proposal is
> Roy> to avoid a situation like that of Darwin, wherein the community is only
> Roy> allowed on the periphery and releases are tossed over the wall based on
> Roy> internal decisions.
> Speaking for myself, avoiding the Darwin "throw it over the wall" approach
> is a primary goal as well.  I think most if not all of the other Sun people
> in this community share that goal.

Then Sun people would need to become more open to work done by external people
from the community..

I understand that there is some kind of fear of this new development model,
but if external participation and collaboration will not happen soon, this
may be delayed forever (or at least some people might believe so).


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