One of the areas we've been working on after Solaris 10 has been
   labelled "approachability"--a rather vague term for "eliminating
   both annoying and substantial gaps in the operating system".  Areas
   we've been investigating include simplifying complex operations, like
   rich networking configurations and service failure diagnosis, but
   also include irritations for administrators, developers, and users
   new to Solaris.

   Obviously there is a host of irritations:  the discussion of command
   line editing and history for sh(1), the legitimate default settings
   for root's shell, the difficulty of configuring certain basic network
   settings have all come up on mailing lists in the
   past week.  What we're trying to do in Approachability is refine
   OpenSolaris development to be free of itchy seams, like these:

   - why is there not a default NTP client configuration that works?

   - why do I have to reset every network setting to change one safely?

   - why is every network service on when I install the system?

   - why do I have to change my PATH to find gcc and other useful
     developer commands?

   - why is this popular command/function/capability missing?

   The list, while not endless, is longer than any of us would like;
   what's important to note is that most, if not all, of these could
   have been avoided up front *if* a larger discussion of "typical
   usage" had occurred in the design discussions around each of these

   One thing to note:  Approachability deficits are often also deficits
   in security, usability, distribution completeness, or just basic
   functionality.  Once made, they almost always save people time, but
   they might require balancing against other technical communities'

   I'd like to get this discussion out and onto, so that
   inputs, fixes, and new ideas come from the larger set of people who
   care about OpenSolaris adoption.  If you are interested, please let
   me know, or just join in.  Thus:

   This message proposes the creation of an Approachability community
   for OpenSolaris.  Please discuss.

Stephen Hahn, PhD  Solaris Kernel Development, Sun Microsystems
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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