Mike Kupfer wrote:

What are the objections to gmane?

Dragan> Gmane is fine, but I think it is set as R/O i.e. you can't post
Dragan> through it.

We started talking about this in July, and it fell off my radar.

Anyway, the concern about gmane is the fact that users currently have to
be registered with mailman to post via email. So I expect anyone
posting via gmane would get a bounce.

Yes, they would get a bounce.

The suggestions for dealing with this (both from Dragan) are

(1) see if there's a way to be registered with mailman but without
actually getting email

Yes, you can disable having mail sent to you, but still be subscribed.

(2) set up a dedicated news server that requires authentication for

Ok, so there seems to be a number of issues colliding here, so I want to break it down:

1) Mailman versus Jive (forums):
There is difference between subscribing to a mailing list and 'watching" a forum in Jive. The Jive watch functionality is currently set up to send a user a list of URLs from a thread/list/topic at a set interval (immediately/daily/weekly). The idea behind 'watches' is that is provides users more control to follow a specific thread, as opposed to mailman, where it's all or nothing. For people that want the traditional mailing list functionality, they can subscribe to the lists and not use the web interface.

You can navigate to the Jive discussions to 'watch' a forum and/or subscribe to a mailing list from the Discussion page. If the instructions on that page are not clear, then and I will correct them, provided I am given feedback on the specific parts that are problematic.

2) Posting via Jive
As for the problem of postings not getting wrapped at 72 characters, I am looking into the best way to fix that issue. It seems to be dependent on users system when the message was created, as some messages wrap and some don't (at least in my browser/mail client). I would ask that in cases such as this, when something is not working as expected or as preferred, that people send email to the [website-discuss] list asking if feature X can be fixed/modified to do 'Y'. I realize that it's frustrating when things don't work as expected, but saying that something is just "broken" leaves me very little to work with.

3) Read only mail/NNTP
There seems to be a need for another way to access the mail content other than mailman and the forums interface. Currently you can grab an RSS feed of any thread or list, or go to Gmane. If the goal is to be able to read /and/ post from NNTP, I'd need to get a better sense of how many people plan to use the functionality before I can commit to it, but it's certainly possible.

A note about mail/forum traffic
While it seems that some folks don't like the Jive interface, since launch it's been the main way that people interact with the site. Currently we have 8,000 registered users on os.org and 348 people subscribed to the 'discuss' list. This is compared to the over 35,000 non-registered visitors and 160,000 Jive page views (last 30 days). So it appears that most people are coming to site to search the Jive/mail archives. I am not saying that there aren't things that can and should be done differently, obviously there are a lot of improvements that I can make, but I just want to provide some background as to the way the site is being used.


Derek Cicero
Program Manager
Solaris Kernel Group, Software Division
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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