In the long run, this might be quite feasible, and the CDDL might be more 
for commercial applications than GPL (although no doubt some might argue that, 
even argue that being attractive for commercial applications might not be 

But it seems to me that there are three areas where Linux is 'way ahead for 
this sort of
thing, not to mention that it's already there:

* ports: Linux has been ported to just about every CPU big enough to run it.  
  has SPARC and x86 (plus a once and in blastware perhaps future PowerPC port); 
  of course SunOS prior to Solaris ran on Motorola 680x0 processors.  The first 
  esp. to a CPU with substantial differences in interrupt, memory management, 
  synchronization, or byte order, is the worst; and Solaris is already there.  
  PowerPC port may prove to be an early test of whether the expertise to port 
it to
  new (give or take) CPUs and platforms can be assembled outside of Sun.  As 
  those truly interested in other ports might want to watch that closely even 
if it's
  target platform is quite dissimilar to theirs.

* running on very small systems, in a minimal configuration

* widespread driver development expertise

If there's some PDA-like (or sublaptop/subnotebook) system with an x86 (or 
processor, that might allow working on the last two of those areas independent 
of the

A lightweight graphics environment as an alternative to X11 would also be 
I think.  Presumably something along those lines already exists, and a port of 
wouldn't be too difficult.  ISTR something called MGR, but haven't heard of 
new with it in a long time.

All in all, it's possible, but it would be a lot of work.  One would have to 
have a
very strong case that it would definitely be worth the additional work and risk 
to port
OpenSolaris to the platform of interest rather than Linux.
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