Johan Krüger-Haglert wrote:
The Acer Aspire 502x should be able to run Solaris aswell, true?
> It probably has a lot incomming with the ferrari 4000 since it's
> a 1.6ghz turion with ATI x700 128mb graphics.

The x700 isn't supported in Solaris until Nevada build 19, though
you could pull down Xorg CVS from the open source community and
build it yourself to get the same driver for earlier releases.
(That's all I did to bring in the x700 support that's in Solaris.)

> Is it very stupid to get one with ATI graphics adapter?
> Fujitsu-Siemens and Asus delivers others with Nvidia 6200go but
> that card isn't as good (the companys driver support are better thought.)

If you want hardware-acceleration today, nvidia is unfortunately
the only choice.  We're working to make other choices available
in the future, but I don't know how long that will take.

Otherwise, the ATI is usable - I've been satisfied with the graphics
in both the Acer Ferrari 3400 & 4000, but I rarely push more than
gnome-terminal & firefox at it - nothing really demanding.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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