On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Magnus Forsberg wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I've just installed the JDS CBE. Seems like a good start to create a common 
> build environment.
> It would be great to setup a RPM repository with Solaris (or OpenSolaris) 
> src.rpms, that are specifically customized for Solaris (SMF, etc). Installing 
> them would of course place them in the JDS SRC root and to build just : 
> customize for your environment; pkg-build -ba <app.spec>... and you get a 
> SVR4 package that you can distribute.
> Combine this with apt4rpm to get the sources in place (I didn't manage to 
> compile it yet).
> I somehow find OpenPKG overworked for my situation. The RPM spec:s are 
> complicated for not very usable if you only have Solaris (in my case). Just 
> look at the apache-spec, 40k of code with alot of if-else options depending 
> on what you need. Why not write a spec with what you need instead of using 
> all these options? It's also got special macros that only work in openpkg, so 
> copying the specs for use with pkg-tools is no good. I find Fedora or SuSE 
> specs alot friendlier (to copy and customize).
> Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but it's really too complex. If you want 
> to use the Sun Compiler, you have to rewrite the specs anyway.
> The JDS installer is great, uses the .spec for customizing the build, creates 
> pkgs with the pkg-build, installs it. Really missed a standard BUILD 
> environment, so it's just what I need. It's a perfect "addon" for people like 
> me who find no use of using packages like SUNWmysql and SUNWapache.
> I did not have a look at pkgsrc, portage or tww yet. Any reason I should?

Hi Magnus,

I can speak to pkgsrc, but I don't have much experience with portage or tww.

Being a source-based design, pkgsrc tends to suffer from an
over-fixation on source-level compatibility at the expense of
binary-level modularity; similar to what was so well conveyed by John
P. and Alan C. here:


Also, the traits of OpenPKG that you found to be not well suited to
your needs, exist in pkgsrc too. For example, it lives in a self
contained area, and being very multi-platform is a central goal (which
necessiates greater complexity, reduced customizability, and a watering
down of awareness of important Solaris features).


> /Magnus
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