cmdtool is in the xview source; some of the rest of the clients would be nice, 
the mailtool is very lame as is; if it were released, I'd think people would 
want to
quickly make it at least as MIME-capable (sending as well as receiving) as 
I think textedit may be out there somewhere too, or if not, it should be fairly 

I have a copy of the source for a cmdtool variant called btool, with a bunch of
programmable buttons down the right side.  There's no explicit copyright info in
it; here's the comment at the top of the file containing main():

 *      btool.c   Main routine
 *      Thu Oct 5, 1989
 *      Author: Fred Lloyd, SUn Microsystems, Inc. sun!sunburn!flloyd
 *      btool (button tool) is an xview cmdtool enhancement that adds
 *      programmable buttons to the cmdtool environment.
 *      Button definitions are stored in the users home directory in
 *      a file called .btool-init.  The entries in this file take the
 *      form of:
 *      <button-number> (label) (action)
 *      Button numbers must be between 1 and 20.  On the button panel,
 *      the first button below the "Save Buttons" button is button number
 *      1.  The <label> field may be any arbitrary string label, not to
 *      exceed 12 characters in length.  Strings must be enclosed in
 *      parenthesis.  Strings may contain parenthesis as long as there
 *      are an equal number of open and close parenthesis in each string.
 *      It is not necessary to create the .btool-init file since a new
 *      one is created whenever the "Save Buttons" button is pressed.
 *      Although the file may be edited, all edits will be lost upon
 *      the next save.

OLIT would be a problem; that actually belonged to AT&T, later USL, later
Novell.  Somewhere along the line they redid it as MoOLIT, which could I
think have a user-selectable Motif or Open Look look and feel, but
maintained the OLIT API.  The rights for that somehow passed to  They don't mention on their site that they still license it,
but I think they do; although whether that would only be binaries, or
source too, I have no idea.  I suspect it wouldn't be easy to talk them
into giving it away, although it might be fun to watch someone try.

Personally, if I wanted to spend a lot of energy harassing some bunch of folks 
loosen their grip on a desktop environment, I wouldn't bother with Open Look,
much as I once liked it, but rather would  go after The Open Group folks, and 
Along those lines, I wonder if OpenSolaris is open enough to be eligible to use
"Open"Motif on it?
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