Brendan Gregg wrote:
On Sun, 21 Aug 2005, Alan Hargreaves - Product Technical Support (APAC) wrote:
Just been having a discussion with a memober of the community (you know
who you are; but no names, no pack drill) who logged a bug, had it
updated by a sun engineer, but now has a problem because of a
combination of the following two facts:
1. the bugs interface does not allow update of an existing bug
2. the bugs interface blanks out the name of the sun engineer doing an

If bugzilla can allow this, then surely Sun can as well.

I noticed bugs blank out my name/email address too. It doesn't help when
my bug ends up reading "Please feel free to contact me on  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for further explination...". Ummm... I don't mind my email address being
viewable with the bug.

The explanation for this is corporate policy to comply with {USA|...}
privacy laws.

Anyway, after submitting a bug there is no simple way to have a
conversation with the engineer if necessary. A "respond to RE" button - or
a mechanism to update it as Alan has said, would be great.

Seconded with acclamation.

James C. McPherson
Pacrim PTS Engineer            828 Pacific Highway
                               Gordon NSW
Sun Microsystems Australia     2072

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