On Sun, 21 Aug 2005, Richard M. Stallman wrote:

>     Yet, I seem to have missed the forest for the trees I'm inhabiting.  
> Indeed, the
>     cross pollination at the operating system level makes an even stronger 
> case for
>     compatibility between the GPL and CDDL licenses.
> I agree.  Solaris as free software will be much more useful if they
> switch to the GPL, or at least some GPL-compatible license.

Why can't the GPL be re-written to be CDDL compatible?  After all, from
my view point, it is the GPL that prevents the mixing of GPL and CDDL
code, not vice-versa.  As a developer, using GPLed code certainly restricts
my freedom (so I avoid it).

And as a side question that's bugged me for ages: why on Earth is the
GPL so long?  Does it really need so much text to explain in clear
concise terms what ones rights are with GPL software?

But getting back to the main point: I don't think we're ever going
to agree on SW licensing philosophy, but I don't think there's any
way that OpenSolaris can be icensed under the GPL.  The need and/or
desire to link with 3rd party code that may or may not be open source
prevents it.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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