Stay tuned Ryan! We're in the process of including OpenSolaris in just about every training vehicle we can schedule into throughout Sun Microsystems, and we're coming to a town near you in either user groups or Sun hosted seminars.

We're also working on a developer conference that is moving into a formal proposal stage on Monday. That conference is being proposed for Late March/Early April timeframe and will be great fun.


Matty wrote:

I would love to see Sun sponsor an opensolaris conference/training session for new/existing developers and users. It would be awesome to get a "live" view of the source from the people who wrote it. This would also be a great venue for people to meet and exchange ideas (and code). Training sessions could cover best practices and kernel subsystems, and would be a great way to speedup the learning curve associated with Solaris kernel
development. Mailing lists and BLOGs are awesome, but sometime it helps to see things first hand.

Just a thought,
- Ryan
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