Peter> Their also needs to be more "user friendly" admin tools for the
Peter> "casual" user like in Windows or Mac.  When this happens adoption will
Peter> become higher...

Alan> There is a large effort inside Sun now working on improving Solaris
Alan> "approachability" (also known as the "Keep It Simple, Solaris" project),
Alan> both to make it more user friendly and more familiar to users of other
Alan> OS'es.  There was a discussion on creating an approachability community
Alan> on for this work as well, but I didn't see if that
Alan> happened or not.

Yes, it did, but it hasn't been announced yet, as we're still getting the
mailing list (which I think is ready) and community pages (which I think
still need a little work) set up.  Look for something next week I would guess.

-- John
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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