On Sep 7, 2005, at 02:07, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

I see no reason for this conversation to continue, ad nauseum,
for the remainder of eternity.  OpenSolaris is under CDDL.
GPL is incompatible with any license that is not a sublicensable
subset of GPL.  That wasn't by accident -- it is the intention
of the FSF that all software be under the GPL. The FSF will not
change that regardless of how many times the GPL is revised.

OpenSolaris will never be under GPL because GPL is incompatible
with Solaris.  OpenSolaris does not need to be compatible with
GPL because it is an operating system platform, not an application
that uses other GPL code.

I agree with your summary, Roy

End of discussion.  If you are interested in working on a CDDL
project, then please participate in OpenSolaris.  If you are not
interested in anything other than GPL, then please leave now.

I don't agree with your conclusion, Roy. Sven is a Debian community member who is here exploring the potential for a version of Debian with an OpenSolaris kernel. He's most welcome here, although GPL religious discussions are as you say probably worth forgetting. The specific question about glibc use he asked earlier is of interest to me, though, it seems highly relevant.


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