Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > In other words: if you like milk, don't kill the cow....
> Unless the cow is sick and produce unusable sour milk or whatever, and there
> is plenty of other sane ones :)

The more I read from you on this topic, the more I get the impression that
you don't really understand what you are talking about - sorry.

If someone calls the OSS authors "sick", he is definitely not supporting OSS.

If you believe that a mojority at Debian thinks this way, please prove this.
If you are _really_ able to prove it, we would need to avoid Debian and inform
other people that Debian is a source of unfree thoughts. So please answer if 
you believe this......

There are other mails from you where you ask questions about trivialities
that have been discussed already long ago for other projects:

-       Putting GCC on the same CD/DVD as something else (e.g. Solaris) does 
        _not_ create a derived work.

-       Linking against libc does _not_ create a derived work.

You did come up with many similar questions. Could you please tell us
what the reason is for starting a discussion on these issues?


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