Question to the OpenSolaris website admins.
Would it be possible to open up an OpenSolaris "we hate CDDL" open 
source licensing mailing list?  This discussion is old, very stale,
quite dull.  Many of us would much rather discuss where OpenSolaris  is
going than where the lawyers (and wanna be lawyers ) would prefer to
force us to go.


On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 21:14, S Destika wrote:
> We appreciate you as a clear winner when it comes to writing awesome ego 
> boosting mails which make you disbelieve RMS wrote GPL, but please don't 
> waste your time even if it is not valuable because it wastes other's time as 
> well.

> Please show us a proof of your greatness instead of just making it sound like 
> so. Thank you. ( I hope I did not misunderstand that RMS wrote the GPL..)
> Richard M. Stallman" <rms at gnu dot org> wrote:
> > 1. Instead of rampantly speculating about what the FSF website means when 
> > it says the CDDL and GPL are incompatible, has anybody tried asking the FSF?
> >
> > We say two licenses are "incompatible" when combining code released
> > under those two licenses into a single program is legally impossible
> > because any way of licensing the combination would violate at least
> > one of the licenses.
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