Hi there,
what about a port of Unionfs to Solaris ?
I read this wouldn't be too hard for someone who knows about filesystems in 

Unionfs would be perfect for usage within Zones, imagine the following:

I want to create 10 Zones, for 10 friends of mine.
What I have to do now is COPY all the neccessary files from /bin/.. /lib/.. 
/sbin/.. to EACH zone, this means I have got 10x wasted space.
With Unionfs I could create the perfect solution:
Create a directory /opt/zones-template, and copy all the neccessary files into 
Then simply do:

mount -t unionfs \
-o dirs=/opt/zone1:/opt/zones-template=ro \
none /opt/zone1

for each zone.
2. line: means the directory /opt/zone1 will overlay /opt/zones-template (which 
is readable only, so all changes go to /opt/zone1)
3. line: it will be mounted to /opt/zone1 (the filesystem does not recurse, so 
this is possible)

So I don't waste any space, for copying files twice.
Also I can update files in /opt/zones-templates, which are then updated in all 

You see it would be perfect !

Zones are just one example, OpenSolaris Live-CDs would also benefit from 
Unionfs (take a look at KNOPPIX and other Linux Live-CDs, nearly all of them 
use Unionfs).

Some links:
The official Unionfs project site:

A nice introduction how to use Unionfs.

I am sure a lot of people will like this :)
Hope someone will be found who has the time and knowledge to contribute a port 
of it.

Thanks in advance !
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