Thanks Eric,

I'm glad to see that ZFS will show up soon in Solaris. I'm looking
forward to testing it out and getting people on board at work. Thanks!


--- Eric Schrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 07:03:16AM -0700, Octave Orgeron wrote:
> > 
> > But now that I know ZFS will have "space-efficient" r/w clones, I
> may
> > be able to defend the castle as it were;) I know this must be a
> > question you get a lot.. but here it is.. Is there a way to test
> out a
> > pre-release version of ZFS? I realize we'll have to sign NDA's and
> what
> > not, but it's definitely something I'd be interested in. 
> > 
> Octave - 
> We're currently in the "end game" for ZFS development - pushing full
> speed towards integration (I won't make claims about an exact time
> frame).  We considered a more accessible beta program (as well as
> hosting), but it was not an efficient use of team
> resources at this point in time, and would likely delay the eventual
> integration into Nevada.  We promise we're doing everything possible
> to
> get ZFS putback ASAP.
> - Eric
> --
> Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development      

*       Octave J. Orgeron         *
* Solaris Infrastructure Architect*  
* *
*     [EMAIL PROTECTED]       *

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