On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, T.J. Yang wrote:
> [ ...]
> I am hoping to see how one  can create a bootable Opensolaris CD/DVD in
> your 2nd part of tutorial article. Please don't disappoint me ;)
> BFU and other method is just too risky, I mean my build machine may
> got destroyed by my fat fingers or absent minded act.
> In the mean time, I still have a missing area need to fill in so I can
> unpack,configue,build and then cut a bootable OpenSolaris MOT CD/DVD.
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSolaris/Developer

tj -- Just wanted to let you know that Moinak Ghosh, in the last 3
posts on his blog, detailed how he created a bootable OpenSolaris CD:


Especially see the one dated August 26th.

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