"Build 23 does not configure network by default", what do you mean "configure 
network by default", thats a very vague statement there buddy, could you please 
clarify. Look I am by no means a genius and I did somehow manage to config my 
own network settings, sure there are no "Automagic" GUI tools but that doesn't 
mean it isn't user friendly. So what if fedora has GAIM, so does Solaris. Wow.

As Ronan said he has already tried Fedora and had some issues; "I've tried 
Ubuntu, Gentoo, Fedora, Mandrake, the whole bit. Everytime there's something 
wrong, then I found Solaris."

So Wayne, no I am not kidding, but it does seem that you are :) Maybe if you 
just read ronan's original question you might be able to help him rather than 
making some lame attempt at pimping fedora.

I know this post might come across as a bit of a flame but you have to expect 
it when you make silly statements.
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