> I hate that we have to vote for "Other", rather than having Solaris or
> OpenSolaris be a choice in the poll.  Of course, perceptions are
> changing, more and more, and all of your community participation is
> helping...

Well lets look at the past ten years.  Solaris was a killer UNIX OS
but the x86 edition was a joke.  Then Linux became a hot and cool
thing.  People forgot that a Sun logo on the server meant that it runs
forever.  Then people started calling Solaris a "Linux-like" OS
recently.  Its enough to make my stomach churn.
If perception is reality then a LOT of real "big time marketing" is
required to get the word out.
At this point the entire OS is a free download and the source is open.
 It is like giving away the cure for the common computer but no one
seems to know about it or, more likely, wants to know.

One thing is for sure, there were people running around like maniacs
yelling "Sun is Dead .. Sun is Dead" to anyone that would listen a
little while ago.  That "perception" seems to have been killed off
quite neatly.  Now the Solaris and OpenSolaris perception needs
Tough to say really.  I'd have to ask people at geeky parties.  Which
I don't go to.  Or get invited.  :-)

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