Eric Schrock wrote:
ZFS inode numbers are 64 bits.  The current implemenation restricts this
to a 48-bit usable range, but this is not an architectural restriction.
Future enhancements plan to extend this to the full 64 bits.

32-bit apps that attempt to stat() a file whose inode number is greater
than 32 bits will return EOVERFLOW.  64-bit apps and largefile aware
apps will have no problems.

So does this mean 32-bit apps that didn't need to be largefile aware in
the past because they only touched small files now need to become largefile
aware to avoid problems with ZFS if they call stat()?    (Granted, they've
already had problems with stat() with out-of-range dates from NFS servers
and other places, but those aren't as common as ZFS will be.)

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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