On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 03:40:17PM -0700, Dan Price wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Codereview is a pillar of quality software development; the OpenSolaris
> project does a good job of intensively reviewing changes today, but our
> codereview process would would be even better if more codereviews
> involved the wider community.


Could you describe the usage model?  I don't see hooks to a codestriker-type
of thing.  If someone puts something on grommit then what is the method for
interested reviewers to know about it?  Do reviewers need to have an account?
Where should the review discussion happen?

What is a 'webrev'?  What is a 'wad'?

Do people put unified or context diffs onto grommit, or do they put complete
source files?  Whole directories of the solaris tree?

Why is this model preferred over having people post unified diffs to
a mailing list for review and discussion?

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