Hey mac, congratulations on your work.
Man, im loving it!
It is set as my desktop already.

Id like to give the distro some packages im preparing,
like mplayer, irssi, giftd*, etc etc.

Just a question,
If i get the sunstudio compiler.. do u think ill have any problems
trying to compile build 26, 27 and so on on nexenta, i mean,
is there anything needed missing to make a full opensolaris-src compilation ?

Cause in my opinion, even having dpkg for every sunw package (like the kernel)
its going to be great for kernel developers/entusiasts to compile the code
and change it, and try it again ,etc etc.


Rafael Tinoco

Mac wrote:

Justin Conover wrote:

I'm installing it now on my linux laptop with vmware and

> later I'll try it on one of my desktops running solaris express 24.

Please note that network interface is currently not
working on VMware.  We are working on the driver;
it should be available in the next few days.

(Unfortunately we cannot use the "pcn" driver
due to licensing issues.)

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