>>>>> "PJ" == Paul Jakma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    PJ> On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Matthew Simmons wrote:

    >> Nobody finds them, because they're out of the way.
    >> It's also an annoyance for administrators, because they have to add yet
    >> another directory to their PATH.
    >> Much better to put the new feature right in their path, so to speak,
    >> than to make them have to take positive action just to find it.

    PJ> Why can't this be done with an appropriate /etc/profile?

It could be done in any one of a thousand ways.  I'm not going to argue the
merits of each.  I'm merely explaining why people didn't like /usr/proc/bin,
and why we ended up folding it all back into /usr/bin.


        Matt Simmons - [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Solaris Kernel - New York
          The Fifteen Commandments of Operational Security, Number 11:
    Thou shalt not drape thy net on thy tent, for it looketh like tent in net.
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