The default version of any Solaris command for normal users
should be found in /usr/bin.

Alternate (incompatible) versions of commands w/ the same names
will be found in /usr/<standard name>/bin.

Any user wishing 1 from column a, 2 from column b, etc, is
heartily encouraged to create ~/bin wherein he
is perfectly free to create a forest of symbolic links to
alternate versions (or his own special versions).  He can
then lead with that in his path and follow it with the
whatever default search order he wishes.

The default versions of Solaris commands will be found in

Choosing a weird directory path to reach a command has been found (in
Solaris) to be a very poor method of doing the following:

1) "protecting" users from commands that have different
   support levels.
2) Indicating which group inside Sun made the software
3) Recording for all time the internecine conflicts in
   AT & T during SVR4 development.
4) separating commands by the type of user (developer,
   non-priv'd administrator, etc).

My path:


This is silly.  Why do this to ourselves?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
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