Bart Smaalders wrote:

> The default version of any Solaris command for normal users
> should be found in /usr/bin.
> Alternate (incompatible) versions of commands w/ the same names
> will be found in /usr/<standard name>/bin.
> Any user wishing 1 from column a, 2 from column b, etc, is
> heartily encouraged to create ~/bin wherein he
> is perfectly free to create a forest of symbolic links to
> alternate versions (or his own special versions).  He can
> then lead with that in his path and follow it with the
> whatever default search order he wishes.
> The default versions of Solaris commands will be found in
> /usr/bin.
> Choosing a weird directory path to reach a command has been found (in
> Solaris) to be a very poor method of doing the following:
> 1) "protecting" users from commands that have different
>    support levels.
> 2) Indicating which group inside Sun made the software
> 3) Recording for all time the internecine conflicts in
>    AT & T during SVR4 development.
> 4) separating commands by the type of user (developer,
>    non-priv'd administrator, etc).
> My path:
> /bin:/usr/sbin:/home/barts/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:
> /usr/sfw/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/sadm/admin/bin:/usr/openwin/demo
> This is silly.  Why do this to ourselves?

My path is (embarrasingly):


It's probably got a lot of historical cruft since it was built over my
15+ years of using Solaris.

I highly concurr with your assessment of the situation.  What I'm not
sure is whether you're proposing to move (or link) things like
/usr/X11/bin into /usr/bin.  I actually think that this is an excellent
idea.  It solves a bunch of problems, the most notible is the one from
column A and two from column B issues that we run into every now and
then. If this was done from the start, I probably wouldn't have taken so
long to switch from the BSD compatible tools to the Solaris sysV ones.

If I had to vote for a proposal so far, I think that this one is the
best so far.


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